
Review “The Alchemist”, Paulo Coelho – a book that speaks to you

“The Alchemist” written by Paulo Coelho wasn’t necessarily on my reading list, but it fell into my hands by chance and I read it in one go. Amazon is one of my favorite websites when it comes to purchasing books because I’m sure I’ll find any title I’m looking for.

Written in a simple manner, “The Alchemist” knows how to keep your interest and curiosity with every page.

The main character, shepherd Santiago, sets off in search of a treasure after having the same dream twice. The starting point, Andalusia, the destination, the Pyramids. The young shepherd’s destiny during his journey will be quite tumultuous, and the material search he sets out for will gradually turn into a discovery of self in a way he never thought possible.

The end of the book is unexpected, and I’m not exactly sure what feeling the book provoked in me, as it was a mixture of amusement, amazement, and wisdom. I won’t say more, because it’s a book you have to discover for yourself, traveling with the character.

Below are some favorite passages:

“Friends that a man makes on the road are a different breed. People you see every day, and you don’t pay much attention to them, can become the greatest friends of your life.”

“And what is the world’s greatest lie?” the boy asked, completely surprised. “It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”

“Cheating is a game, it’s a strategy, and if you know how to do it right, it’s a lot of fun too. But always know the limits of the game. Know what’s fair, and know what’s not. And never cross that line. If you know your heart well, cheating can never hurt you. Because you’ll know what to do with your dreams and desires. No one can escape their own heart.”

“Lead will play its role until the world no longer has any use for lead; and then it will have to turn into gold. That’s what alchemists do. They show that when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

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